A few things to remember when placing classes in your shopping cart:
- You can put as many classes as you want into the cart.
- Have a first, second, and third back-up plan.
- Check the requirements for the class to make sure you meet them.
- The system may not bump you out from a class now (it will when we convert to semesters); however, the professor may remove you during Week 1 or highly encourage you to drop the class.
- The cart places your classes in order of course number.
- It does not prioritize your classes for you.
- You may want to keep a written list somewhere of the classes you want to take the most.
- In your cart you can place multiple sections of the same course; however, on enrollment day you can only enroll in one section.
- If you are a younger year level classes will appear open until enrollment begins on October 22nd and they may fill-up, especially if it is a popular class among upperclassmen.
- Classes placed in the shopping cart will remain their regardless of if the class is closed or not; however, when a student attempts to enroll in a closed class they will receive a RED X on that class.
**Preparing for enrollment is the best thing you can do, it will make your enrollment day quick and easy.**